FBISE Fee Challan Form 2025 is available on the official website www.fbise.edu.pk.If you’re a student or a teacher wishing to be considered for a particular exam or service offered by the Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (FBISE), you’ll need to fill out an online challan form and pay the fee required. A Challan form is a piece of paper that outlines the payment details, including the amount, purpose, bank account number, and the date. It is possible to use the online challan form to pay for the amount through the branches that is part of Habib Bank Limited (HBL) in Pakistan or via an electronic transfer (EFT) or credit card when you are traveling abroad.
How to Generate Online Challan Forms for FBISE
The first step in generating an online challan for FBISE is to go to the website for FBISE on portal.fbise.edu.pk. You will find an option bar on the website with many choices. Click on the link that reads “Generate Online Challan Forms” under the “Online Services” section. You can also directly access the online challan webpage by clicking on this.
How to Pay Online Challan Forms for FBISE
- Through HBL Branches in Pakistan
Suppose you reside in Pakistan and are in Pakistan. In that case, you can pay your bill at every branch at HBL by presenting your completed online challan form together with the authentic CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card) or B-form. The bank employee will verify the information you provide and will then take the amount. You will be issued an original stamped copy of the online challan form to prove the authenticity of your payment. It is important to keep the copy secure to use for future reference. You can also verify your transaction by visiting portal.fbise.edu.pk and clicking “Payment Status” under the “Online Services” section. Enter your challan’s number and click “Search” to see whether your payment was received by FBISE or not.
- Through EFT or Credit Card Abroad
For EFT: You must pay the payment in US dollars via SWIFT MT 103 in favor of FBISE with its account for foreign currency IBAN PK79 HABB 0022 1179 0068 7511 at the HBL FBISE Branch, H-8/4, Islamabad. It is also necessary to include your name as well as your roll number, date of the examination as well as the purpose of the payment when you make the transaction. You must pay any charges for bank services or transfer fees on top of the fee prescribed.
For Credit Card: It is necessary to go to online.fbise.edu.pk and then click “Payment Through Credit Card” under the “Online Services” section. It is necessary to enter your name as well as your roll number, date of the examination, the reason of the payment, as well as the credit card information. Then, you will be taken to a secure gateway that will enable you to finish your transaction.